Thursday, March 8, 2012

Responses to Wreckage of Reason

Of the several works in Wreckage of Reason we read this week, A Whirlwind Romance was my favorite.  Lillis divides her story into two sections, the first lists things someone had said to her prior to their meeting and the second lists things he said to her after they met while spending time together.  In section I he is supportive, interested, and full of flattery.  In section II, however, he shifts to critical, dismissive, and contradictory.  My favorite line is towards the end; "That's the funny thing about the English language- one word can have any number of meanings."  I think the entire story shows how we as people often are not ourselves with others at first.  We want people to like us, we want acceptance, this story also illustrates, I think, how our desire for sex affects how we interact with others.
The other story I was drawn to was N.  It was interesting to me that it was written using words from a page of the newspaper, much like our assignments of reconstructing others' poems into our own works by using their words.  It was written that one word was added and I find myself wondering which word it is. The last portion of the work, titled Gospel Incompletely, the boy of the story is dead.  I was really drawn to this section and I felt like the author was saying if the parents were able to look at their dead child, they would see all these things he represented or imagined to be.  I felt like the things listed were an abstract representation of the child's life.
So far, I am enjoying the stories we have been reading but I don't always understand the author's intent.  Much of this writing is, to me, largely symbolic and non-direct and I feel like I need to reread it several times to begin to grasp the concepts.

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